Hidden amongst the hundreds of links, in the many posts, of many feeds, was this great blog post by Judy Unrein – Catering to Interaction Preferences Instead. Recommend all learning designers read this post.
What she is pointing to is quite simply that just like there are possibly learning style preferences, there are also interaction style preferences. That is a very accurate observation that aligns with my experience with groups of learners.
Another very interesting point she makes is: “humans are such overwhelmingly visual creatures that if we simply catered better to that one sense, we could improve the vast majority of our designs”. This is perhaps one of the best pieces of design advice I’ve ever heard. Well worth putting into practice.
a href="http://blog.upsidelearning.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/future-of-flash.jpg">img width="280" height="202" alt="" src="http://blog.upsidelearning.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/future-of-flash.jpg" title="The Future For Flash" class="alignleft"/>a>