I’ll be making an online presentation about the fundamental differences between games and simulation at 11:00 AM IST on 24th April, 2010. The event is being hosted by IDC India which is a community of practice for instructional design professionals in India.
The presentation is meant for beginners, and will help them draw lines between simulations and games from a learning and learner experience perspective. I’ll also attempt to provide some guidance on which performance-content context (a’la Merrill) would work well for games and simulations. At the end of the session, I’m hoping the attendees will have newer perspectives on how they might use games and simulation or game-like elements in their learning design and solutions. It’s important for us to share this knowledge about games and simulations, games are entering mainstream culture and instructional designers need leverage that in the design of the learning experience.
Come join us in the discussion and the sharing of our knowledge and experiences. IDCI membership is required to attend, but its free to join. See you on Saturday.