In my previous post, I spoke about how it’s time to Go Beyond. With workplaces experiencing a revolution like never before, every learning initiative matters a lot. L&D has to pull up their socks and put the maximum focus on making a business impact.
But what does Go Beyond exactly mean? Let me try and break it down to specifics.
It means Going Beyond simply ‘pushing’ information on learners hoping that it would bring about some performance change. Instead, L&D needs to support learners and encourage them to upskill themselves by providing the right Learning Culture, Ecosystem, Leadership, Rewards and everything else that impacts performance.
It means Going Beyond providing just one-off eLearning interventions or standalone training initiatives. Instead, L&D has to create sustained campaigns and learning ecosystems that focus on social and collaborative learning.
It means Going Beyond putting out quizzes to test learners. Instead, L&D could offer systemic rewards and incentives to inspire the best in learners.
It means Going Beyond simply checking boxes to measure learner satisfaction. L&D needs to focus on creating some real business impact that dives deep into the organisational fabric.
It means Going Beyond the thought that learning is connected with and originates only from the LMS. Every learning experience counts, even offline ones.
It means Going Beyond fancy buzz words that become a rage every now and then. L&D have to focus instead on what works best for a given challenge at a given time.
Once L&D starts looking into all of these aspects, there will be more ways to make the most impact with learning interventions!