21 Inspiring Quotes & Thoughts On Mobile Learning

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Mobile is the future of workplace learning. It is not just a statement, but something I believe in. There are many a thinkers in the domain that I follow, learn, and get inspired from. Below is a presentation with a compilation of 21 most inspiring quotes and thoughts that apply to mobile learning, by some of these thinkers. The quotes and thoughts are also listed in the copy below allowing an individual quote / thought to be shared.

  • Seymour Papert – “You can’t teach people everything they need to know. The best you can do is position them where they can find what they need to know when they need to know it.”
  • Ray Kurzweil – “Mobile phones are misnamed. They should be called gateways to human knowledge.”
  • Tony Bingham – “Technology is enabling our need to be mobile. We want to ensure that Learning matches our Lifestyle.”
  • RJ Jacquez – “…the thing is ‘mobile sets Learning Free’ and we can now learn virtually anything, anywhere and anytime and that’s amazing.”
  • Prof. John Traxler – “The phrase ‘mobile learning’ portrays it as a version of learning, the mobile version. It ignores the transformative effect of mobility on the nature of learning and of learners and on the wider society; it might be easier to see not as the mobile bit of learning but the learning bit of mobile and mobile is the defining characteristic of our societies. ‘Mobile learning’ seems too often preoccupied with enhancing the existing curriculum for the existing institutions and their professionals and maybe extending the reach of the existing education system.”
  • John Feser – “mLearning is not elearning on a mobile device.”
  • Clark Quinn – “M-learning is the intersection of mobile computing and e-learning, that includes anytime, anywhere resources; strong search capabilities; rich interaction; powerful support for effective learning; and performance-based assessment.”
  • Robert Gadd
 – “MLearning has vastly more potential than eLearning. Modern mobile devices are highly sophisticated and easy to learn and use technological appliances that make it practical for virtually anyone to perform old tasks or learn new ones using one physical device in a multitude of ways. Mobile is a Swiss Army Knife of functionality in a device that fits in every pocket or purse.”
  • Judy Brown – “Think outside the course.”
  • Geoff Stead – “Most work based mLearning happens in stolen moments, which is why a smooth blend between learning, performance support & productivity tool is so key.”
  • Dan Pontefract – “Pervasive Learning – learning at the speed of need through formal, informal, and social modalities.”
  • Bersin by Deloitte 2013 Corporate Learning Factbook – “No longer is the L&D function ‘the place’ for learning; instead, the role of the L&D team is to facilitate and enable learning. L&D teams should build skills in performance consulting, gain expertise in new technologies including social and mobile, and work to cultivate strong learning cultures within their organizations.”
  • Harmann Ebbinghaus – “Humans more easily remember or learn items when they are studied a few times over a long period of time (spaced presentation), rather than studied repeatedly in a short period of time (massed presentation).”
  • Dr. Marcus Specht – “The students of the future will demand the learning support that is appropriate for their situation or context. Nothing more. Nothing less. And they want it at the moment the need arises. Not sooner. Not later. Mobiles will be a key technology to provide that learning support.”

  • Karl Kapp – “Instructional designers need to run, not walk, away from classroom-thinking and get to the point of providing short, quick business focused learning points that are easily accessible when and where our learners need them. This means leveraging new technologies to deliver non-traditional instruction.”
  • Donna Abernathy – “Relax, the ‘m’ represents the backstage delivery technology. Learning and performance are still the big stars.”
  • Wayne Hodgins – “The only sustainable competitive advantage is the ability to learn and apply the right stuff faster.”
  • David Mallon – “Timeliness, proximity, versatility – these are among the key measures of today’s high-impact learning organization, m-Learning plays a critical role in helping organizations meet the demands of these measures.”
  • Karl-Heinz Oehler – “I absolutely think we need to give people access to material where and when they need it. It’s imperative to have a mobile learning strategy and that’s even more important with emerging generations. But I’ll add that when I talk to my peers who are in global companies, nobody has one.”
  • Prof. John Traxler – “…the affordances of mobile technologies change our epistemology… what we know, how we know it, how we come to know, what we help others know, how we assess the worth and credibility of the known, what it is valuable to know for aesthetic, economic, cultural and any other reasons and who decides the worth of knowing…”
  • Jay Cross – “This ain’t no questions that indeed as much as i love my laptop that is not the way world is going to learn. They are going to learn on tablets and phones. Better be on board or miss the train.”

Which of these quotes and thoughts inspired you the most? Do you any other favorite one? Share it with us in the comments section.

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