One of the prime forces that drove us to release a new version of the website (back in 2010) was enabling visitors make the most of their time spent on our website. And as such, our website has reflected information that is accurate and to the point. Little did we know that one day these efforts will put us on the chart of the best websites!, our official website has made it to number 26 in the ‘Top 100 Highest Ranking Websites In Learning Technology’ chart.
Conducted by Now, a leading Marcomm management company, this ranking is calculated by crunching together individual rankings from Google PageRank, Moz Rank, Alexa, Hubspot‘s Web grader and Compete. While this list focuses on commercial operators whose primary market is B2B learning, larger companies with specific divisions or product sets targeting the learning industry are included but only specific portions of their website have been used in the ranking.
This has been possible due to continual efforts and dedication of our in-house marketing team especially the SEO/ SMO experts. To our team – Cheers!