Written by 12:09 pm Mobile Learning

Top 50 Mobile Learning Resources

I’ve spent an inordinately long time writing a whitepaper on mobile learning trying to expound our thoughts about it and how it might be used in the workplace. I’ve been doing some research around it and I’ve documented some of the better links I’ve come across. Again, as with the links I posted about Games and Simulation, these aren’t categorized in any way nor does the order assume any significance.

If you’re considering mobile learning in any shape or form, I’d suggest you give these a browse. One of the travails of my paper writing (still continues) was that good web resources were quite hard to find, so be spared the ordeal, this is a good place to start.

  1. Mobile Learning Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training
  2. Marc Prensky Blog
  3. M-Learning Org
  4. Futures of Learning
  5. Cell Phones in Learning
  6. Mlearning World
  7. Ulearning Blog
  8. MLearning is Good
  9. 3D Animation for Mobile
  10. Upside Learning Blog
  11. Derek Bruff’s Blog
  12. Mlearnopedia
  13. eLearning Roadtrip
  14. Mobilearner
  15. Ignatia Web
  16. Mobile technologies and Learning
  17. Mobile Learning Technologies and the Move towards ‘User-Led Education’
  18. Mobile Services Taxonomy
  19. Disruptive Mobile Learning (presentation)
  20. mLearning Wikipedia
  21. Pockets of Potential
  22. Mobile Learning Institute
  23. Duke University: Mobile Devices in Education
  24. Learning Light E-learning Center
  25. Mob Learn

In putting this list together, I used Tony Karrer’s eLearning Learning site extensively to match links that are also popular based on social signals. It gives more balance to what just might have been the results a one-sided trawling of the web. Hope you find something influential.

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