In an earlier blog post, Abhijit Kadle had written about a gradual but complete shift to mobile based devices for a whole host of activities, learning being just one of them. Today I came across a news article which strengthened that belief even further. In an article published on a British journalism website –, it was reported that the BBC is now set to broadcast directly from iPhones and iPads. The BBC is developing an app that will allow its reporters in the field to file video, stills and audio directly into the BBC system from an iPhone or iPad. The new app, due to be in use within a month or so, is also intended to allow reporters to broadcast live from an iPhone using only a 3G signal. The development will mean BBC reporters could potentially broadcast live from anywhere with a 3G signal and will no longer have to rely on Wi-Fi or carry cumbersome satellite or codex equipment. There’s no doubt about it – The future is mobile. You can read the original article here.