The gold standard for evaluation is achieving an impact on organizational metrics. Here, we’re looking for a change in outcomes that suggests that learners have applied the learning and it’s influencing the organization as a whole.
The goal here is to identify a particular measure that isn’t where it could and should be. Then, you target an intervention, design it to achieve the outcome, and then measure it to see if it’s achieved.

The client in this case was a major international airline. However, while mental health was a serious issue in the industry, this particular organization wasn’t seeing indications that employees were taking advantage of the solutions on offer.
In particular, employees weren’t using the available helpline. Further, when they did, they were already seriously compromised. A good solution would be to use the helpline more frequently, and in time to prevent situations from getting serious.

As content, credible mental health professionals were filmed. These presentations were done in delicate ways yet conveyed necessary messages about mental health. This included different symptoms and steps to be taken.
Using stories, learners were shown situations with varying degrees of seriousness and impact. Learners would observe these cases, and then choose how serious they thought they were. Feedback was presented to help learners develop their abilities.
The tone was serious, yet caring. It was important to represent that there was no judgment on availing oneself of these services and that it was preferable for the individual as well as the organization.

While learners rated the course 4.8 out of 5, the airline saw a significant increase in the use of their helpline. While there wasn’t tracking to see if this result was maintained, it was still a significant improvement. Thus, their goal was achieved. It also saw their reputation increase, both nationally and internationally, as well. The design, targeted towards the desired outcome, achieved the metrics they were hoping for.
As with other impactful projects, this one was also the recipient of international recognition.
In conclusion, this case study highlights the effectiveness of targeted learning interventions in improving organizational metrics and employee well-being. With a stellar 4.8 out of 5 learner rating and a significant uptick in the utilization of mental health resources, the success achieved through intentional learning design is evident. For a deeper insight into impactful strategies and their implementation, explore our ebook “Designing for Learning Impact: Strategies and Implementation.” Discover proven methodologies that contribute to lasting improvements in both employee development and organizational success.