14 Top Learning, Technology & Media Links: Weekly Digest – 18

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This time we decided to do our homework, pack our bags and take a trip down the school days. Yes, we have covered it all from QR codes in education to replacing smartboards with iPads. And if you are still caught in the traditional school approach, know why integrating technology in classrooms is not just the need for the hour but how can it benefit you.

Besides this, we have uncovered some cool resources, reports and findings that will keep you abreast of the latest happenings. Read it all here in our Weekly Digest – a collection of our top 14 links from the week gone by, each accompanied by a quick brief. Need to quench your thirst for the latest in learning, technology and media links further? You can dig into our previous lists

  1. Can Your iPad Replace Your SmartBoard?
    Whatever your philosophy regarding frontal teaching methods and the uses of Smartboards, there’s no denying two facts: Smartboards have become extremely popular tools in educational institutions & are relatively expensive and eat major portions out of our shrinking school budgets. Then, can an iPad replace the smartboard and help cut down on cost? Read to know the answer.
  2. QR Codes In Education
    Find resources for getting started with and using QR codes in the classroom.
  3. Quick List Of iPad Resources For The Classroom
    Many schools and classrooms all over are investing in mobile devices and educators want to know how to use them effectively, the apps to consider and more. Here’s a quick list of iPad resources specially meant for classroom study.
  4. 5 Reasons for Integrating Technology
    Reasons for integrating technology in classrooms and schools far outweigh the reasons for not. Here are 5 top most reasons you should be getting your school technology-enabled.
  5. Growing Up Digitally: The iPad As A Learning Device
    Kids as young as 2 are using the iPad and how! Devices like the iPad can assist the child at learning at his or her own pace, and possibly in his or her own individual way. Is this better? Know more.
  6. A Model Of Workplace Learning The proportions of formal and informal learning vary with the task at hand, the context for learning, and the psyche of the learner. Generally, informal learning carries anywhere from four to ten times the weight of formal learning. This article discusses a new model for learning that is a distant cry from the old model of learning.
  7. Where Does Informal Learning Fit In?
    With so much rich information for learners available and accessible on the Internet – everything from how to play the guitar to applications of the Pythagorean Theorem – how can the formal education system leverage all this within schools? And more importantly how does this type of informal learning fit in? Read to know more.
  8. 50 Websites To Download and Read Online Free E-Books
    E-books have become a very important part of our lives. As technology continues to grow, the reading preferences amongst people tend to bend towards the e-Books, which are easy to find and most importantly, easy to share. Here are 50 websites to download and read online free ebooks.
  9. 31 Of My Favorite Digital Storytelling Sites
    Here are 31 digital storytelling sites that you would want to check.
  10. Why Thinner Isn’t Always Better: An iPad Upgrade Experience
    Given our weight-obsessed culture, it isn’t surprising that many launch-day reviews of the iPad 2 focused on its slimmed-down form factor. Know why slim is in.
  11. 1 in 4 College Textbooks Will Be Digital By 2015 Sales of digital textbooks still only account for a small fraction of the U.S. college market. But according to the latest report by the social learning platform Xplana, we have reached the tipping point for e-textbooks, and the company predicts that in the next five years digital textbook sales will surpass 25% of sales for the higher education and career education markets. Know more.
  12. Mobile App Users Are Both Fickle And Loyal: Study
    A study released by Massachusetts-based application analytics firm Localytics, today confirms the suspicion that we both love and are quickly bored by our mobile applications. Read the entire study.
  13. Video Games: Where To Now For The UK Industry?
    The global video game industry now makes more money than Hollywood, but UK publishers are struggling – thanks to high wages, a skills shortage and no government support. Know more.
  14. 30+ Places To Find Creative Commons Media
    SitePoint has gathered up over 30 of the best resources online for audio, video, images and more for finding just the perfect Creative Commons licensed item for use in your next project. So, have a look around and get inspired!

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