1. How to keep High Performers – Marshall Goldsmith in the Harvard Business Review Blog writes about steps that organizations can take to help them retain high-impact performers. He pointedly adds as the first point ‘show respect’ to your employees, it all starts there.
2. Real Time Language Translation Over Phone – A cool demo of technology that might eventually truly end the language barrier. The aim is to achieve reasonable cross-language communication in the absence of any means of communication. Tremendous applications in learning and development, it’ll be interesting to keep an eye on developments in this space.
3. Ribbon Hero – Ribbon Hero is a game for Word, PowerPoint, and Excel 2007 and 2010, designed to help you boost your Office skills and knowledge. Play games (aka “challenges”), score points, and compete with your friends while improving your productivity with Office. As a concept test, this add-in is not supported, but is an opportunity for you to try out an idea we are working on and let us know what you think. A nice way to encourage learning.
4. Socialcast – Socialcast is offering a collaboration tool plug-in for MS-Outlook. Unlike Basecamp and other tools, it works right inside Outlook and works on top of Socialcast EASE – Enterprise Activity Stream Engine offered by Socialcast.
5. Bloomfire – A cool service that’ll launch middle of the month. Let’s anyone create a course, let’s anyone take it. It allows for a large number of informal, social-learning opportunities can be dedicated to any subject. Check out the videos on the site explaining their service idea, should be interesting to use when it launches.
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