Written by 2:31 pm Mobile Learning

eLearning On Tablets: What, Why & How?

Last week, at the Learning Technologies Summer Forum in London, I spoke on “eLearning on Tablets: What, Why & How?” to an audience of roughly 70 people. That, I think, is a very decent number and reconfirms the growing interest in this area.

elearning-on-tablets-lsg-presentationI think tablets are quite unique in combining the portability of mobile devices and bringing the functionality and computing capability of the laptops; especially when you consider the new emerging breed of hybrid and convertible laptop cum tablets. This presents a great opportunity to make a move towards mLearning and get ready for the future.

My presentation from the talk is available on SlideShare.

Based on the conversations with some attendees post my session, I believe that they went away with clarity on which devices to target – when and for what contexts, how to get started with eLearning on tablets and just why it is so important to get started. Hope you find the presentation useful. I invite your comments and queries in the comments area below.

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