Manish Mohan has launched the Unofficial eLearning Salary Survey 2009. This is the third edition of the survey that aims to provide a glimpse into salary ranges of eLearning and content development professionals in India. This time, the survey is also trying to examine the impact of the economic situation on salary hikes – which would be interesting to see.
The 2007 edition had just 11 responses and could not provide any meaningful conclusions other than the fact that eLearning salary ranges varied quite a bit in India. The 2008 edition received a much better response, with complete data from 54 participants, of which ~70% were from the Instructional Design and Project Management fields. You can view the results/analysis of the 2008 survey here. It would be great if, in addition to IDs and PMs, more functions participate in the 2009 survey.
If you are involved in eLearning and content development in India and wish to participate in the survey, visit Manish’s blog. I look forward to seeing the results.