Our Blog Turns One Today
It’s been a year since we started blogging (March 03, 2009) and we are raring to go another notch...
eLearning Outsourcing: Why Consider It?
Some months back I had posted (based on a research report by ValueNotes) about eLearning outsourcing to India doing well and looking to...
eLearning: Top Posts of 2009 – Upside Learning Blog
As we knock on 2010’s doors, it’s a good time to look at what we did on this blog in 2009. We started this blog in March 2009...
eLearning Outsourcing: Training Companies Turn to eLearning for Survival & Growth
Last week I met several new prospective customers – training companies. The prospects varied...
We’re hiring!
Our HR team is getting really busy since a last few weeks. After being slow (well almost non-existent) for a couple of quarters, hiring is...
eLearning Outsourcing to India will reach USD 603 million by 2012
I have always believed that the present economic slowdown would positively benefit the eLearning industry in the long run. There have been...